HomeoPet Feline UT+ is used to promote a healthy upper and lower urinary tract in cats. May aid in the relief of stress-related urination, often indicated by frequent urination often with a strong smell.
Symptoms may include: burning, spraying, straining, strong urine odour, inappropriate urinating, darker/lighter than normal urine.
Ingredients of note are: Saw Palmetto, Liquorice, Golden Seal, Bearberry, Valerian, Spanish Fly, Calendula.
This fast acting liquid natural remedy has no harsh chemicals or known side effects. May be used for kittens and young animals, for senior pets and can be administered safely long term.
Advice Care
Symptoms can include irritation of the skin around the genitals, the smell of ammonia from the stale urine, staining on the hair on the lower abdominal area, or between the rear legs, wet spots left as the cat rises or constant licking of the area between the hind legs or around them.
Active Ingredients
Avena sativa 4x, Berberis vulgaris 4x, Calendula officinalis 4x, Cantharis vesicatoria 6x 6c,30c,200c, Copaiva officinalis 7x, Echinacea angustifolia 4x, Epigaea repens 4x, Equisetum hyemale 4x, Ferrum phosphoricum 12x, Hydrangea arborescens 4x, Hydrastis canadensis 5x, Kali muriaticum 12x, Lycopodium clavatum 12x 30c, Pareira brava 6x, Passiflora incarnata 4x, Petroselinum sativum 4x, Sabal serrulatum 6x, Scutellaria lateriflora 4x, Solidago virgaurea 4x, Sulphur 12x, Thlaspi bursa-pastoris 4x, Uva-ursi 4x, Valeriana officinalis 4x, Aconitum napellus 200c, Apis mellifica 6c, Argentum nitricum 6c, Arnica montana 6c, Arsenicum album 6c, Belladonna 30c, Benzoicum acidum 6c, Calcium phosphate 30c, Causticum 6c 30c, Chimaphila umbellata 30c, Gelsemium sempervirens 30c, Graphites naturalis 30c, Ignatia amara 30c 200c, Lachesis mutus 30c, Mercurius solubilis/merc vivus 30c, Natrum muriaticum 30c, Nux vomica 30c 200c, Phosphorus 6c 30c, Plumbum aceticum 30c, Pulsatilla nigricans 30c, Sarsaparilla officinalis 30c, Sepia officinalis 6c 30c 200c, Staphysagria 6c 30c, Stamonium 30c, Terebinthinia oleum 6c, Thuja occidentalis 30c. INACTIVE 10% USP alc. Glycerin, Purified Water.