HomeoPet Joint Stress is a natural plant based product designed to increase mobility and enhance the joint health of our pets.
It’s not just our ageing pets who need a helping hand when it comes to mobility or stiffness. Sometimes our younger pets can benefit from a formula such as JOINT STRESS from HomeoPet. Younger pets can experience over-exertion and muscle tension for many reasons.
HomeoPet JOINT STRESS may help your dog or cat by and assist in improving mobility. Its all-natural ingredients mean there are no nasty side-effects and the liquid drops can be used alongside pharmaceuticals and other treatments.
(Source: as published in the HPUS)
Advice Care
Recommended by Vets, the formula has no side effects and can be safely administered alongside conventional pharmaceuticals. A carefully selected blend of plant ingredients traditionally known for use in mobility and joint issues.
Use 2 to 3 times daily for optimum results and follow the directions on the packaging by body weight. Can be used in conjunction with other supplements and medications.
Active Ingredients
Argentum metallicum 12x, Benzoicum acidum 12x, Bryonia alba 6x 6 c 30 c 200 c, Calcarea carbonica 12x 30c 200x, Calcarea fluorica 12x 30c, Calcarea phosphorica 12x 30c, Ferrum phosphoricum 12x, Hekla lava 12x, Hypericum perforatum 6x 6c 30c 200c, Lachesis muta 12x, Mercurius solubilis 12x, Natrum phosphoricum 12x, Nux vomica 8x 6c 200c, Olibanum 12x, Rhus toxicodendron 6x 6c 30c 200c 1M, Ruta graveolens 6x, Salicylicum acidum 9x, Silicea terra 12x, Stannum metallicum 12x, Symphytum officinale 8x, Zincum metallicum 12x, Zingiber officinale 6x, Arnica montana 30c, 6c, Belladonna 6c 30c, Bellis perennis 6c, Calendula officinalis 6c, Causticum 6c, Chamomilla 6c 200c, Cimicifuga racemosa 12c, Colocynthis 6c, Conium maculatum 6c, Dulcamara 6c, Gelsemium sempervirens 6c 30c, Hepar sulphuris calcareum 200c, Ledum palustre 6c 30c 200c 1M, Lycopodium clavatum 6c, Phytolacca decandra 6c, Ruta graveolens 6c 30c 200c, Symphytum officinale 6c 30c, Thuja occidentalis 6c. INACTIVE 10% USP alc. Glyerin, Purified Water.