HomeoPet Travel Anxiety is formulated by Veterinarians specifically for travel anxiety, with very specific ingredients including calmatives to help with both the anxiety AND the motion symptoms.
Symptoms include throwing up, drooling, panting, restlessness or unwanted behaviour. Use as needed 1 hour before travel.
Unlike other solutions, HomeoPet Anxiety is not a tranquiliser or sedative. Therefore, it is non-sedating, non-habit forming and it works rapidly with no side effects.
Easily administered in liquid form, use one hour before travel according to directions.
For general anxiety issues, you may wish to refer to HomeoPet Anxiety. However, there are circumstances where the two products can work well together. For example, plane travel can cause general anxiety as well as motion sickness. The use of both HomeoPet Anxiety and HomeoPet Travel Anxiety is recommended in this case.
Symptoms include throwing up, drooling, panting, restlessness or unwanted behaviour.
(Source: as published in the HPUS)
Advice Care
Use one hour before travel according to directions.
The results will last for approximately 4 hours, and if using for extended travel re-administer again as needed.
Dose every 15 minutes, however you can get into their system, for rapid absorption.
Where this is not possible use around bedding or on the paws for longer trips or plane travel. Can also be placed in food, water or on a treat for a few days prior to prolonged travel.
Active Ingredients
Arsenicum album 200c, Borax veneta 6c 30c, Bryonia alba 200c, Chamomilla matricaria 200c, Cocculus indicus 6c 30c, Colocynthis 200c, Conium maculatum 6c 30c, Euphorbia corrolata* 6c, Gelsemium sempervirens 6c 30c 200c, Hyoscyamus niger 200c, Ignatia amara 200c, Ipecacuanha 6c, Lachesis mutus 200c, Lycopodium clavatum 200c, Natrum muriaticum 200c, Nux vomica 6c 200c, Petroleum 6c 30c, Sanicula aqua 30c, Sepia succus 6c 30c 200c, Stramonium datura 200c, Succinum 200c, Tabacum 200c 30c 6c, Veratrum album 30c, Zingiber officinale 6c. INACTIVE 10% USP alc. Glycerin, Purified Water.